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There is no end to learning.

Learning is a never-ending process.

I support your challenge.

Students preparing to enter Vietnamese universities

Expatriate family

International Couples and Families

prospective businessman

Vietnamese university admission information and
Vietnamese language classes are offered.

Providing learning and help for the life and adaptation of the family of expatriates in Hanoi.

For international couples and weddings
​Providing Vietnamese culture and language learning

Visas for business preparation, language learning,
​Provide business information

One month living experience

Basic language for one month of life,
​Providing helpful information such as travel destinations

1. 어학코스.JPG

language course

2. 교재안내.JPG

Textbook information

3. 비자안내.JPG

Visa Information

4. 생활준비.JPG

Preparing for living

Categories by level
Introductory~beginner class
(Vietnamese A1~A2)
120 hours
Beginner to intermediate level
(Vietnamese B1~B2)
120 hours
Intermediate to upper intermediate level
(Vietnamese B2~C1)
120 hours
Advanced class
(free topic conversation)
​제한 없음

composition Instructors


Pham Thuy Hong

Degree: PhD

Major: Department of Linguistics

Educational experience: 22 years


Pham Thuy Hằng

Degree: PhD

Major: Department of Linguistics

Educational experience: 8 years


Nguyen Thi Thuy

Degree: PhD

Major: Department of Linguistics

Educational experience: 17 years


Trinh Thi Thu Hien

Degree: PhD

Major: Department of Linguistics

Educational experience: 16 years


Pham Thi Mai Huong

Degree: PhD

Major: Department of Linguistics

Educational experience: 15 years


Dao Huyen Trang

Degree: Master's

Major: Department of Linguistics

Educational experience: 3 years

Kim Young-ho (40s, Korean-Vietnamese family)

“Conversing with my Vietnamese wife is fun!”

“I met my current beautiful wife by chance, and after dating for a year, we got married. After I got married, the things that had been good became difficult. Most problems were misunderstandings due to language difference. For a while, I was afraid to start a conversation. It was obvious that it would end in a fight. So I decided to understand person who have lived their whole lives in a different language and culture, so I started studying Vietnamese at a language school here. We learned Vietnamese language and culture here, and as I reviewed what we learned with my wife at home, we found ourselves smiling again. It wasn't difficult to understand her. The solution was for me to think from her perspective. The biggest contributor to restoring our relationship as a couple was the language school. “I am very grateful to the teacher who gave me a lot of advice.”

Geun su Kim (40s, business preparation)

"Recommended if you're thinking about work and business in Vietnam."

“I registered with ILCRA to prepare for business in Hanoi. The curriculum of three morning classes a week for six months was an appropriate amount of time for language study and business preparation. Thanks to this, we are now able to hire Vietnamese employees and have basic conversations. I received a lot of help with business preparation at the language school. We received help with everything from commercial space lease to various safety laws as well as hiring employees. I still maintain a relationship with my teachers by occasionally contacting them to say hello. This is the best language school in my opinion. "

Rohan Koshy (Indian student)

"Have fun learning Vietnamese at this language school!"

“This is a great place to study Vietnamese. They are flexible and will fit you into a class that matches how you want to study. The teachers are skilled and very friendly. It's also a great place to learn about Vietnamese culture. Apart from just learning the language, they also help you find a house or rent a bike or in anything else that you need. I recommend this centre for a great experience in learning the language and living in Hanoi"

Kang Hyo-rim (20s, language trainee)

“This is a place to develop early language habits!”

“I’ve been studying here for about 5 months, and I recommend it because it’s a place where you can properly learn everything from pronunciation and grammar to culture and apply it in real life. I think it’s the best language school in Hanoi. Especially when the teacher was teaching, they tried to use Vietnamese as much as possible even if I didn't understand well, so my speaking and listening skills improved a lot. “I don’t think you will regret coming here as the first stage of learning a language is important in developing your skills.”

living arrangements


Contact Us
(English counselor)


Ng. 29 Phõ Phan Văn Trường, Khu tập thể Đại học Sư phạm, Dịch Vọng Hậu, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Vietnam


(Korea) 010-6547-7913

(​Vietnam) 083-623-8375

Opening Hours

Mon - Sat

8:00 am – 8:00 pm


9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Click for real-time consultation (KakaoTalk)

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Real-time consultation

Related website

) +82 010-6547-7913
(VN) +84 083-623-8375

(VN) +84  090-466-6419

Số 24 ngõ 29 Phan Văn Trường,
Dịch Vọng Hậu, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội

(Click for detail)

베트남인 : vietnamhoc(kakao)

한국인 : 클릭(kakao)

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